Last week I wrote about the ability we have as adults to create new beliefs when we learn a belief we acquired sometime in our past is no longer serving us. This is a powerful way to let go of the past and move beyond being stuck to create the life you desire.
Life is a funny adventure. Many people spend the majority of their life living in their past and/or fearing their future. Who knew it would be so challenging to BE present? How many times a day do we revert to the past or jump to the future exerting tons of energy in each place?
It can feel as if we’ve boarded a time machine and it keeps jumping from past to future skipping over the present. We are so busy learning from the past and planning for the future that we forget the most valuable time is right now.
If you find yourself using the following words:
- I should have…
- I wish I had…
- I shouldn’t have…
- If I had only…
Those are clues to let you know you are viewing life from the past. This perspective can be valuable as it offers us a place to learn from our experiences, yet we don’t want to get stuck in the agony of analyzing and wishing we had done or said something different.
I find there’s a sweet spot where we can visit the past to observe and soak in the lessons long enough to allow them to come forward with us into the present and future, yet leaving before guilt sets in. It can be helpful to remember, we can’t change the past, however, we can forgive it.
There tends to be a similar sweet spot in the amount of planning we do for the future. When you are in the midst of planning, notice if you begin to attach worry to the future plan or if you begin to feel anxious about all of the unanswered questions. This may be a signal it’s time to return to the present.
Returning to the present allows us to take action, the first step in the process; based on our plan and trust the next steps will be revealed. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even though you can’t see the whole staircase.”
When you choose to live in the present you’ll get to build on the energy of the step you just took to keep moving forward. Keep checking in with the future to know you are on track to reach your goal.
The present is a gift that provides us the ability to fully experience the richness of life and what is happening in the moment.
Take a few minutes and identify an area of your life (or work) where you may be stuck in the past. Imagine what it would feel like to forgive yourself and others then move forward in peace bringing with you what you learned from the experience for the future.
Where are you feeling overwhelmed with the future? Try taking a break in developing your plan, return to the present and take what you feel is the next logical step in the plan or the step that feels right for you.
By taking action forward, many times this will provide the energy shift needed to identify the next step and further develop the long-term plan. Before you know it, you’ll be at the top of the staircase!
We have three choices of where we would like to view and live our life from the past, the present or the future. Where would you like to spend the majority of your time?
When I work with people to help them LIVE their life in the present while using the past as a guide and the future as a roadmap, it can be really helpful to understand more about the traits each of us possess as human beings. My friends Erin and Tom over at Currency Camp have developed a fascinating tool to help with the discovery process. I’m excited to announce that I will begin using this with many of my private one-on-one clients in 2017.
As a bonus for you, I decided to partner with them on today’s post so you can get a jump-start to make 2017 the year you move beyond being stuck and into the present! Head on over and read their insights on the 7 Human Natures. You will gain insight on how our natures effect how we trade our currency. Trade our currency… “What on earth does that mean?” I won’t spoil it for you. Here’s the link that will tell you more!
While you’re there take their brief and confidential survey and then I’d love to hear from you and what your nature is. Click here to set up a discovery session with me today and we’ll chat about your nature, how it serves you and how it may be holding you back.
Make 2017 the year you choose to BE present and LIVE NOW!