Today I’m writing to you from 25,000 feet above the earth. Clouds take on a whole new beauty from here.
I’m heading to LA to learn new skills and stretch myself to move beyond my comfort zone. I will be working with my business coach and 6 other amazing women from across the country to push our limits. We work on the clarity of our vision for the next 4 months to discover what is possible for each of us and then we take massive action to make it happen.
It hasn’t always been this way. For many years I chose to hide my entrepreneurial spirit beneath the security of a corporate job very similar to this incredibly gorgeous Jack-in-the-Pulpit flower. The pic is a bit blurry as we took this while walking our dog near the river.
Anyway as I packed last night I became jittery and nervous about what was ahead. Change…change is scary. I left my corporate coaching job about two and a half years ago to launch my business and one could say, I was scared #*$#less!
At the time we had two kids in college, like many of you a mortgage and bills to pay, however I reached the place of being uncomfortable. I needed to make a shift to reveal my true gifts and strengths. After my Dad passed away, it became a must for me to launch McCrea Coaching.
I knew I was meant to serve others to help them grow and expand into the biggest best version of who they are as a leader in a non-traditional way. Encouraging them to push beyond the fear and live life to the fullest both professionally and personally.
Well, a lot has happened since the day I walked out those doors and placed the golden handcuffs gently on my desk in my highly sought after cubicle.
I have never looked back. I continue to walk through the fear and am learning to trust myself along with my intuition and skills more everyday! Most of all, I have realized the only true failure happens when we don’t try.
Being an entrepreneur, the sting of failure provides me with the opportunity to learn and grow. I have the dubious honor and privilege of performing several of Deming’s Plan-Do-Study-Act rapid cycles of change everyday in my biz.
The sweet taste of success simply means full throttle ahead! Keep doing what’s working to support others while creating joy in my work.
Let’s go back to the Jack-in-the-Pulpit, where are you hiding in your life? Are you hanging out under the leaf where your gifts and beauty are kept on the underside of a leaf? Are you sensing a need for expansion?
Click here to set up a discovery session with me. Don’t let fear stop you from living the life you desire! You can do more than you ever imagined; the only failure possible is choosing not to try.